Nakuru National Park
Lake Nakuru is situated in Nakuru town .It is famously known for bird sanctuary mainly lesser flamingo and a very shallow strongly alkaline lake surrounded with woodland and grassland. The landscape includes grasslands and marsh alternating with rocky cliffs and outcrops, stretches of acacia woodland and rocky hillsides covered with forest
The lake catchment is bounded by Menengai crater to the north, the Bahati hills to the north east, the Lion hill ranges to the east, Eburu crater to the south and the Mau escarpment to the west. Three major rivers are Njoro, Makalia and Enderit which drains water into the Lake . The park has a well servicesed roads network that makes most of the park more accessible .Also it has one airstrip (Naishi airstrip )
Ranges from Hot and Dry, Cold, Hot and Humid with Annual rainfall
Flamingo (Lesser and Greater) and other water birds including a variety of terrestrial birds
Mammals are of different species including white rhinos. elephants,.zebras
View points include Lion hill and Baboon cliff
Hills - Oneymoon, Lion hill ridge ,Enasoit etc.
Makalia Waterfalls
Unique vegetation -Different plant species euphorbia forest with yellow acacia woodlands.
Lake Nakuru lodge & Sarova Lion Hill Lodge.
Including special composites: Naishi, Chui, Rhino, Soysambu, Nyati, Nyuki and reedbuck.
The park’s main activities include Game viewing, and bird watching
Labels : Lake Naivasha Country Club, Lake Baringo Country Club, Lake Elementaita Country Lodge,
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