Monday, July 19, 2010

Advice On Star Ratings In Kenya

Hotels in the world have different star rating depending on many factors in the countries that constantly change. The most constant factor is that the ratings range from one star to five star.
The quality of services determines whether the hotel is classified as five star or four star and so on. How efficient are the employees when it comes to delivering the services or customer relations. Of course the quality of services is directly proportional to the level of training of the employees and the paying scale of the employees. The more the employees have been trained the better the quality of services. Training must also be done continuously to ensure that the employees are up to date with the demands of the clients and also to ensure that the standards of the hotel are maintained.
The paying scale is important in maintaining hotels five star ratings. This is because the pay acts as a motivational tool for the employees to dwell upon. Paying scale not necessarily means monetary benefits but also includes un-quantifiable amount such as; benefits like housing packages, family benefits or even support that the hotel gives in uplifting the employees’ standards of living (like educational funds and study leave).
Quality is indeed an important factor when it comes to rating hotels however there are external factors that affect the quality of service sin which the hotel owners have no control over. For example; security or lack of it, road network and even political instability of the country or of bordering countries can not be controlled by the hoteliers.
Star ratings in Kenya are also determined by ability of the hotel to adapt to new and emerging trends to accommodate them into their holiday packages. For example; massage parlors and therapy sessions were very alien benefits to the customers on holidays. As time has gone by, they have become a compulsory requirement for hotels to provide with those offering the best services being highly rated. Five star hotels keep abreast with new paradigms in production quality assurance and services.
With the environment being a major concern to countries, especially in Kenya, hotel ratings are based on the hotels efforts in conserving the environment. This is not only based on terms of environmental sensitivity and responsibilities but also commitment of the hotel to improve the lives of the people in the community surrounding the hotel. However environmental conservation is also important in matter of proper disposal of solid wastes, water and lethal gases.
Of course, the rating is all dependent on the level of competition among hotel owners. How competitive are they in ensuring customers are happy and well taken care of. How much effort have they put in maintaining quality of staff? The tighter the completion, the higher the bar for reaching five class status.
There is a story once told, true story by the way, where a customer forgo this ticket with the bellboy in Serena Hotel as he was leaving for the airport. The Bellboy took a taxi delivering the ticket right on time. Talk about efficiency and quality. No wonder Nairobi Serena Hotel is rated as a five star hotel.

Kenya Safari Hotels

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that star rating systems are intended to serve as guidelines for guests who are making hotel reservations. While star ratings can be helpful when booking hotels rooms, there is no standardized star rating system. In Europe, hotels are usually ranked on a scale from one to four stars, with four stars being the highest rating possible. In the United States, hotels are generally ranked on a scale from one to five stars, sometimes using half star increments.

Star ratings in Europe are determined by local government agencies or independent organizations, and they vary greatly from country to country. In fact, star ratings in Europe can also vary from city to city within the same country, and even between hotels in the same city. In other words, there is no uniform measure that determines a hotel's star rating. Each hotel is rated based on details that often don't matter to consumers, such as the amount of tax a hotel pays annually.

Similarly, in Kenya higher Star rating often indicates hotels with higher level of luxury, but what determines the success of a business (hotel) is the quality of the services rendered.