There are over nine thousand species in the world in every type of habitat. Over half of these species belong to the passerines or rather the perching bird which includes the Thrushes, Robins, Blackbirds, and Jays. The other species of birds includes the parasitic birds like the Cuckoo, which is notorious for flying between Europe and Africa as climatic conditions vary.
The main natural habitats for birds are water, open plains or the Savanna, woodlands and farmlands. The often large families of birds are the Falcons or Falconidae that includes Eagles, Hawks, Buzzards and Vultures. The most unusual Falcon is the Caracara which spends most of its life running on the ground. Among the Falcons there are other European members like the Kestrel, Hobby, Merlin, Gyr Falcon and the Peregrine Falcon.
The next amazing species are the Swallows which are small aerobatic birds that feed on insects. They are recognized easily by their fast flight and forked tails.
In Kenya there are many tourist destinations that allow for bird watching activites. Near their water habitats like the lake Turukana, Naivasha and Elementaita one is likely to find species such as the Pink Flamingoes, Hammercops, Iridescent Kingfishers, plovers, Herons, Storks, Geese, Cranes and of course the magnificent most elegant fish eagle.
At the Grassland savanna like the Tsavo National Park one can spot the ground Hornbill, the tall Secretary bird, Eagles, Vultures and ostrich. Among the smaller bid species on can spot the Ox- Peckers, Snowy white Egrets, Brilliant Sunbirds and Bustards.
Among the urban dwellers of bird species one may find the likes of wagtails and Weaverbirds perched on the many old trees in the city.
There are a number of different types of organized tours for bird watching like Ontdek Kenya tours. The destinations could be such as Tsavo National Park, Nliida Creek and Sabaki Estuary.
The best times for bird watching are during the months of October to April when more than 120 migrant birds have arrived from Europe so as to lay eggs in the summer season.
The benefits of bird watching are numerous; it helps on in relieving stress. A bird watcher acquires a huge storehouse of information concerning birds and how to care for them. Some even say that each bird species has a trait similar to that of different personality types.
For example the Crested Crane is a proud, Observant and calm bird that has the habit of watching of the smaller birds as is characteristic of Managers and C.E.O’s.
The ostrich is a big, heavily feathered bird except for the neck and head. It can run very fast but it is unable to fly. It is comparable to humans who despite their many inborn talents and strong physiques, they are unable to fly (succeed).
When in danger, the ostrich burry’s its head in the sand. (Am sure many of us have found ourselves in this situation from time to time when problems arise and we do not know how to deal with the problem.)
Lets Go Travel Kenya
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