One of the unique tourist, circuits in Kenya is the Mt Kenya circuit most of the others are warm as compared to this one due to presence of Mt. Kenya some of the cold related ailments include:
Frostnip: This is the initial stages of frostbite and affects areas that are exposed such as the nose, ears, fingers and toes, leaving them white and numb. Frostnip can be treated by going indoors and removing any wet clothing and immersing the chilled parts in warm water until sensation returns. Please ensure that the water is not hot as this can scald your skin without you noticing.
Frostbite: When skin is expose to extreme cold for a prolonged period of time, it becomes hard, pale, cold and waxy, as it thaws it tends to become red and painful. It occurs to the exposed areas just like frostnip. Wear warm clothing and remember most heat is lost through head hence it should be covered at all time.
High- altitude Sickness: also know as 'Mountain Sickness'; this is an ailment that that ranges from mild headache and weariness to a life threading buildup of fluid in the lungs and brain. Some people are more susceptible than others. The major cause of altitude sickness is ascending too high too fast. The higher one goes the less oxygen there is in the air. Symptoms include headaches, light-headedness, weakness, insomnia and an upset stomach, in sever cases one may experience difficulty in breathing, coughing and confusion. One should not ignore this high altitude sickness and should descend immediately. The body should always be given time to acclimatise.
Hypothermia: this means and in internal body temperate of less than 35 degree centigrade. Symptoms include loss of coordination, confusion, uncontrollable shivering and drowsiness. Ensuing one is fit and has appropriate nutrients and rest can help to prevent this condition. Always travel with a partner, wear multiple layers of loss clothing as this insulates your body and avoid caffeine of alcohol.
I hope this guide will help you prepare adequately for central circuit tour of Kenya
Mt Kenya Hotels and Lodges
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